Monday, January 26, 2009

Kingdom Prayer for Namibians

I have found this Kingdom prayer on the internet. It says what I want to say. The author suggests that we pray this prayer every day for 21 days.

Why don't you make this prayer part of you quiet time, as you intercede for Namibia and enjoy this
fiery Namibian sunset from the past week-end. Please share how God used this prayer in your life (

My God,

You have placed me in your Kingdom and today I gladly acknowledge you as my King. Take every area of my life and use it in Your Kingdom to bring glory to Your name. Lord, I believe your Word instructs me that I am to operate with Your authority and power as I live out my life in the Kingdom.

Your Word is clear. I am to walk in supernatural authority and power as did Jesus. However Lord, I ask you to increase my faith as my head knowledge far surpasses my life style, and my fear of man limits my involvement in Kingdom activity.

I really want to live in Kingdom power- but I have problems believing that I can do so. Increase my faith until doubt is extinguished! Holy Spirit fill me! Holy Spirit empower me! Holy Spirit anoint me to live a Kingdom lifestyle.

As best as I know myself, I tell You today that there isn't any gift that You have for me that I don't want. If You want to use me in a way that I'm not used to, I yield myself to that. There is nothing that I will not do by your direction. There is no place I will not go by your direction. It is my heart's desire to want to choose to follow the Holy Spirit's promptings.

I declare today, on the basis of Your Word, that I am a citizen of the Kingdom of God sent to be involved in the message, the signs and the deeds of Christ's Kingdom in Namibia and to the ends of the earth.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

Prayer authored by Dale Schlafer

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