Sunday, May 27, 2012


A Prayer for the World

Almighty God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
We gather with believers all over the world,
to glorify You as Creator of heaven and earth.
You alone are holy and righteous.
We submit to Your authority. 
We praise and adore You alone.

Father, we honour You
   Lord Jesus Christ, we honour You
   Holy Spirit, we honour You

Our Father in heaven,
Thank You for loving the world so much
   that You gave Your only Son, Jesus Christ,
   to die on the cross for our sins
   so that we could be reconciled to You.
Fill us with your love as we faithfully intercede for the lost,
the hopeless, the helpless and the world.
Thank You Father, for adopting us into Your family.
Lord Jesus Christ,
You died on the cross and
redeemed us to the Father by Your blood.
You are Head of the Church
   and Lord of all heaven and earth.
Let Your kingdom be established in every nation of the world
bring transformation among peoples of all tribes and languages
   so that righteousness and justice will prevail.
May Your Name be great, from the rising of the sun to its setting.

Jesus Christ, You are Lord of all.

Father of mercy and grace,
We have sinned.
Our world is gripped by the power of sin.
Our hearts are grieved by injustice, hatred and violence.
We are shamed by oppression, racism and bloodshed in our land.
We mourn all loss of life in murder, war and terrorism.
Our homes are broken and our churches are divided by rebellion and pride.
Our lives are polluted by selfishness, greed, idolatry and sexual sin.

God of mercy, forgive our sins.
     Pour out Your grace and heal our land.

Spirit of the living God,
Transform Your Church into the image of Jesus Christ.
Release Your power to bring healing to the sick,
   freedom to the oppressed and comfort to those who mourn.
Fill us with compassion
   for the homeless and the hungry
   for orphans, widows and the elderly.
Give us wisdom and insight for our world’s problems
to use the resources of the earth for the well-being of all.

Holy Spirit, guide us and lead us.

Lord Jesus Christ,
You destroyed sin, conquered death and defeated Satan.
Remove the veil of darkness that covers the peoples.
Restrain the evil that promotes violence and death.
Deliver us from demonic oppression.
Break the hold of slavery, tyranny and disease.
Help us to tear down strongholds and ideologies
that resist the knowledge of God.           

Almighty God, deliver us from evil.

King of Glory,
Come and finish Your work in our cities, our peoples and our nations.
From all continents and islands we cry: 

Lift up your heads, O you gates!
Be lifted up ancient doors
     so that the King of glory may come in!

Come fill the earth with the knowledge of Your glory
as the waters cover the sea.
The Spirit and the Bride say:

Amen! Come Lord Jesus!

Saturday, May 26, 2012


This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalms 118:24

In the past ten days we joined believers everywhere in preparation. Now, tomorrow on Pentecost Sunday 27 May 2012 Namibia will join the world as we come together to pray as part of Global Day of Prayer. (GDOP)

On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place. Acts 2:1 NLT

Here in Windhoek we will come together at the Gateway Conference Centre / Church at the Crossroads, Corner of Florence Nightingale and Hans Dietrich Gentsher Streets Khomasdal at 13:45.

You can join us, if not at the venue, then in the spirit and in prayer. We trust God because He has promised us His presence:

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20

For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20

May you experience His blessing where ever you are. In Jesus Name. Amen

GDOP Day 10 : 26 May 2012

Day 10 : 26 May 2012

Go into the entire world and proclaim!

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you for giving us the Holy Spirit as our Comforter. Thank You for the work your Spirit is doing in our lives. Thank You for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which enables us to minister to one another and to the unbelievers.

Thank You for the work of our High Priest. Thank You for the blood that speaks better things than the blood of Abel. Thank you that we can be alive in a world where both human resources and technology can be used to spread the gospel.
We pray that the prophecy of Jesus will be fulfilled in our generation: that the whole world will hear the gospel. 

We pray that the Church will respond to the call for workers to reap the harvest.
We pray for the release of resources to meet every need of those who are working in the harvest fields. We resist and rebuke the forces of evil who try to hinder the work of the gospel in the nations.

We speak to the ancient doors of nations: Lift up, you gates, and be lifted up, you ancient doors, so that the King of glory may enter in!


Friday, May 25, 2012


Today 25 May is Africa Day. It calls for reflection and celebration. My first thoughts this morning were: As the sun rises over Africa, so does the Son of God! More and more people in Africa are turning to the Son for light. He is the Light of Africa. Africa is no longer the dark continent. Africa is coming to a saving knowledge of who Jesus Christ is, and that there is healing in His wings.

Pray that today people all over the continent will turn to God and celebrate His presence. Trust that they will receive "the present" - the ultimate gift of becoming a member of His family, as they receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Pray for Namibia where the gospel is known all over the country, that church leaders, missionaries and heads of families will teach their people what it means to follow Christ today and every day. Pray that they will show them what it means to be a disciple.

But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall. Malachi 4:2

GDOP Day 9 : 25 May 2012

Day 9 : 25 May 2012

Be a House of Prayer!

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, You desire that your house will be a house of prayer. May the Church in our generation be transformed by the Holy Spirit into a dwelling place for fullness of God. You have seated us with Christ in the heavenly places. Help us to understand how to pray from that position of intercession. Fill us with your love and compassion for all peoples.

Reveal to us your plans and purposes for our generation. Guide us with your counsel. Open the ears and eyes of our hearts to hear and see the things You hear and see. Give us your wisdom and understanding on how to deal with the problems the world is facing today.

Give the Church the ability to take up the burden of intercession and join with the prayers of Jesus and of the Holy Spirit. Let our faith rise to take hold of your promises and the words of prophecy that still need to be fulfilled. Use us in your plan to redeem mankind.

Let this generation understand the times and seasons we are in.

We bow at the throne of grace for we truly need mercy in this time of need.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

GDOP Day 8 : 24 MAY 2012

Day 8 : 24 May 2012

Open their eyes!

We proclaim that by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and by the blood of the eternal sacrifice, that the power of Satan, sin and death is broken. We proclaim that in the name of Jesus Christ there is forgiveness, deliverance and healing. We proclaim that it is God’s love for mankind that caused Him to send his Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins. He loves us with an everlasting love and no weapon that is formed against us will prosper.

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray that the Church, through the power of the Holy Spirit, will demonstrate your manifest wisdom to the principalities and powers through the proclamation of the gospel: that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us in the Person of Jesus of Nazareth, who laid down his life on the cross, who was raised from the dead and is seated at your right hand in heaven. We believe that He will come again.

Thank you for the outpouring of your Holy Spirit to empower and equip us to take this message of deliverance and forgiveness to every human being alive on this planet today.

May the Gospel open the eyes of unbelievers and cause them to turn from their wicked ways to meet the living God.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

GDOP Day 7 : 23 MAY 2012

Day 7 : 23 May 2012

Be One so the world may believe!

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we join with the prayer of Jesus when He prayed for the unity of the Body of Christ. We confess that we have allowed cultural and doctrinal differences, pride and selfish ambitions, misunderstandings and un-forgiveness to divide the Church over many centuries.

Forgive us and help us to confess our wrongdoings, to forgive those who hurt us and to reconcile with one another in such a way as to honor and glorify your name.

Give us wisdom to handle the many problems, sin, deception and compromise which are tearing the Church apart. Fill us with a deep, enduring love for one another, with humility, with the willingness to forgive and to embrace all those who are different from us. Help us to see that Christ is building His Church, joining and gifting each new member in his infinite wisdom and redemptive plan.

Help us to overcome our differences, to submit to one another, to accept the gifts You give, to honor one another and to love others better than ourselves.
Open our eyes to see the harvest, to work together with one heart, one purpose and one hope: so that the world may believe that Jesus is Lord through our unity and love for one another.



The Christian Network Namibia is hosting a conference from 30 May until 1 June 2012 at Christian Family Centre in Windhoek. Guest speakers will be Pastor Francois van Niekerk (Apostolic Leader of the TCN network) and Pastor Duane White (Senior Pastor of ‘Finding the Bridge’ church in Denton Texas) and the theme is “Determined to Stand, Living to Impact”.

Pray for the conference and that those who attend will leave with a fresh strategy and vision for the ministry in which God has placed them in Namibia.
If you want to attend, urgently contact Caryn Feldmann ( as registration will close at 12:00 on 24 May.

For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus' sake. 2 Corinthians 4:5 [NKJV]

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

GDOP Day 6 : 22 MAY 2012

Day 6 : 22 May 2012

Take Heart, I have overcome!

Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Head of the Church. You said that we should rejoice in all kinds of tribulation, especially when we are persecuted for righteousness’ sake. We pray for our brothers and sisters in the faith who are persecuted because of their faith. Fill their hearts with unspeakable joy even in the face of death.

Strengthen their faith, comfort them in their sorrows and encourage them to stay faithful and to continue to speak the word boldly. Have mercy on them and let their faithfulness and endurance become a testimony to those who oppress, persecute and torture them. Help us to resist the spirit of fear that causes us to compromise our faith and our testimony. 

Open our eyes to see the suffering of our brothers and sisters around the world. Arouse our compassion and love for them, fill our hearts with faith to wrestle in prayer for the souls of those who are the perpetrators. Prepare our hearts for the time when we are called to endure suffering for your Name’s sake. Help us to endure to the end.

Use this testimony of suffering, persecution, endurance and faithfulness to establish and advance the kingdom of God in this world.


Monday, May 21, 2012

GDOP Day 5 : 21 MAY 2012

Day 5 : 21 May 2012

Repent and Believe!

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, it was your kindness that led us to repentance. We pray that your kindness will touch the hearts of unbelievers through our lives. We confess that instead of loving and accepting sinners, we have judged and scorned them.

We turn from our wicked ways to reach out to them with a heart of compassion. Lay the words of truth in our mouths so that when we testify and minister to them, they will hear and see the truth of the gospel in our words and actions. Empower us to reach out even to those who hate us and resist the gospel. 

Fill us with boldness and love that compels us to deny ourselves and to love others even if it means that we should lose our lives.

Let the Church once again become a testimony of faith, love and hope. Your gospel is a gospel of repentance and forgiveness. We want to partake of that forgiveness so that we can offer it to a world that is lost in sin, hatred and selfishness. Fill our hearts with the joy of those who are forgiven. Pour your love into our hearts.

Here I am, send me!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

GDOP Day 4 : 20 MAY 2012

Day 4 : 20 May 2012

Know the Truth!

Lord Jesus Christ, we believe that You are the Way, the Truth and the Life!
We confess that our generation has lost its way because the Church has in many ways compromised the truth of your word because of fear, ignorance and deception.

Forgive us! Lead us into all truth by your Spirit of truth. Restore to your Church the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Write the truth on our minds and our hearts. We pray for the truth to be preached with boldness and without compromise. Remove the lie from our hearts, our minds and our lips.
Strengthen us in the knowledge of who You are. Give us divine weapons to tear down strongholds and ideologies that are rooted in falsehood and which the enemy uses to blind the minds of unbelievers. Help us to speak the truth in love and grace for the hearts of unbelievers to be pierced by the light and truth of the gospel once more.

We want to open their eyes so that they can turn from the worthless things of this world to the living God. Your Word is truth. Your Word is the lamp for our feet and the light for our path. We will walk in the light of your truth.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

GDOP Day 3 : 19 MAY 2012

Day 3 : 19 May 2012

Be Holy as I am Holy!

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we join with the worship of the cherubim to cry out: Holy, Holy, Holy, are You, Lord God Almighty! You called us to be holy as You are holy. You are the God who sanctifies us. Sanctify us in the truth of your Word.

We pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our generation. We confess that in many ways we as the Church are still immature, selfish and focused on our own comforts. Transform our hearts and lives into the image of your Son, Jesus Christ.

May the Church grow into the unity of faith through the ministries of anointed apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists, until we all attain the full maturity of Jesus Christ.

We pray that the testimony of the Church will be one of holiness, integrity, simplicity and humility. Let the world experience your love through the selfless compassionate actions of all the members of the Body of Christ. Let the Church bear the fruit of the Spirit in all our conduct.

May the world acknowledge Jesus Christ through our testimony of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.


Friday, May 18, 2012

GDOP Day 2 : 18 MAY 2012

Day 2 : 18 May 2012

My witnesses!

Lord Jesus Christ, we humble ourselves before You.
You sent your Spirit to fill us with power so that we can be a living testimony to your salvation, forgiveness and deliverance.

We repent of our dead works done in our own strength, of selfish ambitions and worldliness, of allowing the world to dictate and intimidate our witness.

We submit to You and to the work of your Spirit in our lives. Empower us once again with your Spirit to be your witnesses and to minister effectively to a hurting, lost and corrupt world.

Fill us with your love to love the unlovable, to bring hope to the weak, the lonely and the outcasts. Give us your compassion for sinners. Open our eyes to see the many opportunities to witness, to minister and to comfort the multitudes of people around us.

Empower us to overcome obstacles, resistance, wickedness and stubbornness. Make us patient and kind to persevere when we do not see immediate change or fruit on our labors.

Help us to glorify your Name amongst the nations.


Thursday, May 17, 2012

GDOP Day 1 : 17 MAY 2012

Day 1 : 17 May 2012

Wait for the Promise

Lord Jesus Christ, we come before your throne of grace to ask that You empower us with your Holy Spirit. Without your Spirit we can do nothing.

We intercede on behalf of the whole Body of Christ in the nations. All of us, men and women, young and old, rich and poor, master and servant, educated and illiterate, long for your presence and power in our midst.

We set our hearts to wait upon You.

Forgive us for the times of ignorance or willful disobedience in resisting your Spirit. We repent of unbelief.

We honor You as our High Priest who was found faithful and obedient even to the point of death.

We honor You as You’ve been honored in heaven and exalted to the highest place and seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high.

We look to You to fill us with your grace, your love, your joy and your power.

We lift up our souls to You. Come and fill (empower) us once more with your Spirit to do the work You’ve given us.



In Namibia Ascension Day is a national holiday. Trust God that Namibians will realize what this day is all about. Pray that they will gather with believers and consider what Jesus has done!

Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’ John 20;17

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. Acts 1:8,9

Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. Hebrews 4:14

Pray that the faith we profess will be proclaimed in Namibia and all over the world:
  • He went to prepare a place for us. John 14:2
  • We are seated with Him in heavenly places Eph 2:6
  • He intercedes fro us Rom 8:34
  • Through Him we have access to the Father Heb 4:14-16
  • He gave us His Spirit Acts 2:33
  • He will return in triumph to judge Rom 2;16
  • He is with us now and forever. Matt 28:20

Saturday, May 12, 2012

MOM's DAY 2012

Pray for the many mothers in Namibia and the world who are in need today. 

Trust that God will provide for them. Pray for many who have to raise a family all on their own. Ask that God will give them wisdom. Pray for many who do not know where their children are. Ask that God will comfort them. Reach out to a mother who is lonely today.
  • Count you blessings.
  • Call you mom today. Talk to her.
  • Appreciate her.
  • Thank her.
  • Thank the Lord for her.
  • Hug her. 
  • Love her.
  • Pray for her.
  • Bless her.
Honour your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you. Exodus 20:12

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures for ever. 1 Chronicles 16:34

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Proceeding Mothers' Day on Sunday, May 13, 2012 we announce an All Night Prayer Evening. All women (and men) are invited to come and pray for as long as you want. This time is an opportunity to be inspired and prayed for without time limitations.
The meeting is led by the General Secretary of the Council of Churches Namibia (CCN), Rev. Maria Kapere and takes place on Friday 11 May starting at 22:00 until 05:00 the Saturday morning at CCN Office, 8521 Abraham Mashego St in Katutura, Windhoek.

Carry the mothers of Namibia in prayer. Ask that they will be strong in the Lord. Many mothers are the sole provider in their homes - trust God to provide for them. Pray that Namnibians will cherish their mothers and look after them.

Honour your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you. Exodus 20:12

May your father and mother be glad; may she who gave you birth rejoice! Proverbs 23:25

Thursday, May 3, 2012


The world celebrates Press Freedom Day on the 3 rd of May. Not many countries in the world and in Africa have reason to celebrate. But here in Namibia we have reason to praise God. On the Press Freedom Index for 2011/2012 Namibia have a positive placing, not only within the region and the continent, but also globally.

Namibia is placed 20th in the world, receiving an index score of -2. This score identifies Namibia as being on a par with Belgium in terms of freedom of the press. Namibia is even rated higher than countries like Japan, Australia, France and the United Kingdom.
  • Let's praise God now for the Namibian constitution that protects our press freedom.
  • Praise God for the government and the press that honors the constitution.
  • Let's pray for all media in Namibia to report with wisdom, as they are actually very powerful to influence and shape the perception of the public.
  • Pray that they will use their power for the common good in the people of Namibia.
  • Trust that they will not fail to present the other side of the story.
  • Ask for wisdom for the editors to use the very positive effect that media can have on people to evoke feelings of love, national pride and patriotism, especially in situations involving national difficulties or catastrophes.
Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3

Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus. Luke 1:3