Sunday, August 18, 2013


Hifikepunye Pohamba (born August 18, 1935), the second President of Namibia since March 2005 is celebrating his 78 birthday today!

Praise God for his leadership and guidance and for peace in Namibia.

God calls on us his children to pray for our leaders. Our leaders needs our prayers because no one person or group of people can lead a country.  Our leaders need to realize that only almighty God can truly help us. No one knows what the future holds but we can be confident that God the Father honors the prayers of those who love Him and is faithful to answer us (James 5:16; 1 Peter 3:12).

Therefore, please pray that the president and other elected officials would:

  • Realize their positions of authority were obtained either by God’s choice or His permissive will. 
  • Recognize their personal inadequacy for the task of governing our country and look to the Lord for the wisdom, knowledge, and courage to succeed.
  • Readily forsake their political careers and personal ambitions if it is necessary to do so for the best interest of the country.
  • Remember their accountability to almighty God for their attitudes, motives, behaviors, and decisions that affect our nation.
As we lift our nation up in prayer, we can make a difference regardless of how difficult our problems may be because we are taking the burdens of our country to the One who understands the way to victory.

Pray for Namibia and lift President Hifikepunye Pohamba and his family to the Lord, confidently knowing He will move on our behalf. Certainly, our loving Father will hear our prayers and heal our land (2 Chr. 7:14). May God bless our president, bless you, and may He continue to bless Namibia. 

I often say, when we fight our battles on our knees, we win every time. Dr. Charles Stanley.
Source for prayers:  In Touch Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved.

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