President Hifikepunye Pohamba receives the national symbols after he has been sworn in by Chief Judge Peter Shivute. He announced his new Cabinet at State House in Windhoek late on Sunday at the end of the country’s 20th anniversary celebrations.
Prime Minister: Nahas Angula Deputy: Marco Hausiku
Speaker of Parliament: Theo-Ben Gurirab Deputy: Loide Kasingo
Minister of Trade and Industry: Hage Geingob
Deputy: Tjekero Tweya
Minister of Justice: Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana
Deputy: Tommy Nambahu
Minister of Safety and Security: Nangolo Mbumba
Deputy: Erastus Uutoni
Minister of Presidential Affairs and Attorney General:
Albert Kawana
Minister of Defence: Charles Namoloh Deputy: Lempy Lucas
Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration: Rosalia Nghidinwa Deputy: Elia Kaiyamo
Minister of Finance: Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila
Deputy: Calle Schlettwein
Minister of Regional & Local Government, Housing & Rural Development: Jerry Ekandjo Deputy: Priscilla Beukes
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Utoni Nujoma
Deputy: Peya Mushelenga
Minister of Health: Richard Kamwi Deputy: Petrina Haingura
Minister of Education: Abraham Iyambo Deputy: David Namwandi
Minister of Lands and Resettlement: Alpheus Naruseb
Deputy: Stephanus Mogotsi
Minister of Works and Transport: Erkki Nghimtina
Deputy: Chief Samuel Ankama
Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry: John Mutorwa
Minister of Environment and Tourism: Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah
Deputy: Uahekua Herunga
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare: Immanuel Ngatjizeko Deputy: Alpheus Muheua
Minister of Veterans Affairs: Nickey Iyambo
Minister of Gender Equality and Child Welfare: Doreen Sioka Deputy: Angelika Muharukua
Minister of Information and Information Technology:
Joel Kaapanda Deputy: Stanley Simataa
Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources: Bernard Esau Deputy: Kilus Nguvauva
Minister of Mines and Energy: Isak Katali Deputy: Willem Isaacks
Minister of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture: Kazenambo Kazenambo Deputy: Pohamba Shifeta
Auditor General: Junias Kandjeke
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 1 Timothy 2:1,2
Photo: http://www.republikein.com.na
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