We ask this for our neighbours, our colleagues at work, for the police and people in prisons, for the children in school, the doctors and nurses and patients in hospitals, for fathers and mothers in our community and for the businesses, the teachers in schools, the city council and government officials, the homeless, the jobless, those involved in all kinds of addiction, the destitute, the president of our nation and his advisers, the ministers of government and all their staff.
Source: http://www.jwipn.com/pdf/31%20Word%20Prayers.pdf
I will be out of the office until April 10 and will not be able to do updates
Please continue to pray for Namibia. Pray this prayer of blessing on our communities. On your community. Pray for all the work to be done for Global Day of Prayer Namibia. The world will unite in prayer on May 23. Please continue to visit this blog for new prayer news from 10 April.
Please continue to pray for Namibia. Pray this prayer of blessing on our communities. On your community. Pray for all the work to be done for Global Day of Prayer Namibia. The world will unite in prayer on May 23. Please continue to visit this blog for new prayer news from 10 April.
Remember, God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life!